Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Daily I go room to room picking up random piles of stuff that my offspring, husband, and dogs leave scattered around the house.  For the most part it is a lot of dirty laundry, dishes, empty chip bags, candy wrappers, blankets, etc.  Sometimes I get lucky and find loose change to which I add to my change jar that will someday pay for a cruise (if only for me).  Today I found something that I have never found before, something slightly concerning.  I found our label maker, which honestly I had forgotten we even had, along with miles of label tape strewn around it.  I have no idea where the label maker was found.  I personally haven't seen it in years.  Someone went looking for it, found it, pulled it out, spent some unknown amount of time thinking of what to type on it, and then executed on their decision. 

As I picked up the label tape I noticed that the word "Poop" was printed on it every 2 inches at least 100 times.   Obviously I am concerned that someone chose the word poop to print out, but more concerning is that this same person spelled the word poop incorrectly.  It's not that hard of a word to spell. Am I right?  Poop was spelled POOOOOOOP. 

Now I am worried about what exactly they were putting the label "POOOOOOOP" on.  Is it actual poop?  Is is certain surfaces that were wiped with poop and unknown to anyone else but the poop spreading perpetrator?  Is is for labeling things someone intended to smear with poop?  Is it to label the dog poop in the yard? Any of the above is enough to give me nightmares. 

No one will claim responsibility.  Everyone promises that it wasn't them.  I guess I will never know what these were intended to actually label.  The unknown poop labeling perpetrator will live another day to label some other kind of human bodily function. I only hope that whomever is responsible will learn to be a better speller of said function. 

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