Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Like Buttha

Drew:  Child, you've already eaten dinner and had dessert.  Now it's time to go to bed.  There should be no reason what so ever that you are in the kitchen.

Child:  (Noise of coffee pot turning on and whip cream being extracted from whip cream container) Ok.  I'm just making hot chocolate.  Hold on.

Drew:  No hot chocolate!  Get out of the kitchen.

Child:  (Noise of rustling around in the refrigerator)  Ok, gimme a second.  I have to get something.


Child:  (Noise of silverware drawer opening) Ok!  I am coming, geez! (Still more noise coming from other appliances elsewhere in the kitchen)

Drew:  NOW!!!

Child:  Fine!  (walking out of kitchen, nervously holding something in the pocket of his hoodie)

Drew:  What is in your pocket?

Child:  Nothing

Drew: I'm running out of patience.  What is in your pocket?

Child: Nothing

Drew:  Hand it to me now.  (Holds hand out for receiving of said item in child's pocket)

Child:  Fine.  Here.   (Proceeds to hand over a stick of butter...bite marks and all)

Kinda brings a whole new meaning to, "It's like buttha."


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