Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Watching Her Walk Into High School

This video is about 5 minutes long.  I didn't realize that I spoke that long.  It's from the heart.  I am not offended in the least if you don't want to watch it, but I told you that I would never pretend that our lives were anything but messy.  This is me and the mess in my heart today.


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  3. Cyndi, thank you for sharing from your heart. Life is beautifully messy. I am right there with you girl! I have been there done that several times over with my own children. Now, with 3 of my oldest boys in the military. (Going to celebrate with my Marine next week!) My daughter's graduation this year from high school really hit me hard. Maybe it was because I just lost my mom, maybe it was because my baby girl is really all grown up. Maybe it was because she is my only daughter. Maybe it is because of the rapid fire succession of the events that have unfolded over the last year. Maybe it is all of them added up. I am a mess in my heart just about every day, but that just means we are alive. We live and love to the fullest of our capabilities everyone in our lives and it is indeed messy. Love and hugs to you my friend! I would love to tell you it gets easier.....but that would be a lie. But what I can tell you, is to cherish it all......embrace it. Tomorrow it will be different.


Self Addressed

My children have always had a propensity to draw on everything but paper.  Their canvas has usually been their own body.  Som...