Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Do Not Pee on Your Brother with Holy Water

"Oh my God, stop using your bottle of Holy Water pee all over your brother!"

I actually had to utter those words out loud.  Really, I did.

I am sure you want an explanation.  In all honesty, I want an explanation too, but this is my 6 and 10 year old sons' brains that are making these "rational decisions."  No explanation will ever suffice.

Picture this.  I walked into the boys' shared bathroom and saw Nick holding a bottle Holy Water at his crotch and squeezing it so it would spray (aka pee) all over Harry.  Yes, my son violated the Holy Water.  Not only that, but I think he broke at least eight of the Ten Commandments in the process. We are gonna burn.  No doubt about it.

Let me digress for a moment.  My 6 year old son's PSR teacher (PSR meaning Public School Religion at our parish Catholic church) gave him the very thoughtful gift for Christmas which was a bottle of Holy Water.  Although I appreciate her generosity, I must say the significance of Holy Water might have been completely lost on Nick.   Then again maybe not.  He might have found his calling in ministry and was only trying to "bless" his brother.

God help us all.  As for using this bottle of Holy Water to do that, I think I will pass.

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