Sunday, May 22, 2016


In the car the other day the boys were already on my last nerve so when they were in hysterics calling each other "wenises" I was less than amused.  "You're a wenis!  No, your a wenis! You have a big wenis!  You have a wrinkled wenis!  Your wenis dried up and fell off!  Your wenis gets big when you pull on it and bend it!"  So on and so forth. This went on for at least 15 minutes. I'm thinking to myself that these numbskulls are seriously thinking they're pulling one over on me. They're saying wenis instead of I wouldn't know what they're talking about.  

Me: First of all, I wasn't born last night.  I know what you're talking about!  You think you are being funny, but you aren't.  That is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard!

Tyler: We're calling each other elbow skin, Mom.

Me: Oh come on, I'm not stupid.

Tyler:  I swear wenis is elbow skin!

Me:  I know you pulled that out of your a**! No such thing!

Tyler:  Yes there is!  I swear!  

Me:  I bet you a hundred billion million dollars that you are making that up!

Tyler (speaking into his phone):  Siri, what is a wenis?

Siri:  Let me check on that for you.

Me:  No freaking way.  Who the hell made up that name for elbow skin?  Thanks a lot, Siri.  I guess I owe him a hundred billion million dollars.  

(*On a side note, an idea was born while talking about wenises with some friends last night.  Three Queens Wenis Cream.  You better believe that plans are in the works for that venture! Then again that might have just been the vodka talking.)

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