My 6 year old is attending camp this week. I thought that today was crazy hair day. I got out the gooey hair gel and got to work on making his hair stick up. Once that was complete, I spray painted it blue. He was looking good in his homemade camp muscle shirt, blue hair, and black socks.
Then I began lathering him with sunscreen. You can imagine that he would need heavy coverage on his skin since he will be spending a big portion of the day outside. I grab the sunscreen from the counter and start rubbing it in. Man, this stuff feels weird. It's super sticky. Maybe it's just the way the Target brand lotion sunscreen is. I've never bought it before. I get both legs done before I look up and notice that the product I am putting on him is not in fact sunscreen, but rather hair gel. You can see how I might get confused, right?
At least his legs will be on fleek.
Then his car pool ride pulls up and informs me that it is not actually crazy hair day. It is ice cream day. Crazy hair day is tomorrow. The tears started to fall from his eyes. I had to take him inside and shampoo his hair in the tub while our carpool sat in the driveway and waited. So, after un-hair gelling my son's legs and washing his hair, I sent him on his way.
Later this afternoon I went to get a pedicure. I arrive at the nail salon and sit in the pedi chairs. The gal takes one look at my feet, giggles, and goes to get the big guns. What the F is that thing? Karma for gelling my kid's legs, that's what it is. Karma.
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