If you know me, you know that I am an animal lover. As of last week we had 3 dogs. Our middle dog was a spur of the moment purchase done without a whole lot of research into the breed. He is a Weimaraner. This breed of dog needs an incredible amount of exercise and if not given that exercise they can become very anxious. They are also a working breed so without a job to do you can imagine that they have a whole lot of pent up energy. They are very territorial and do not like anybody coming into their home or near their family. The other side of the coin is that they are so good to their owners and love their families with all their heart. They cannot bear to not be right next to their people at all times. If they could they would sit in your lap. That is not very feasible for an 80 pound dog.
Poor Milo went crazy every time the door bell rang (which with 4 kids was at least 5 times a day) or when people walked by the front or back of the house while he was in our fenced in yard. He sounded like he was out for blood. People became apprehensive about coming into our house. I was always on high alert when the kids had friends over and always made sure to crate him so that he would not bark or get anxious. He is also afraid of everything. For a dog that sounds like he was out for blood, he was scared of everything and took to hiding in my bathroom.
We tried everything including obedience training, remote training collars, contraptions that were supposed to stop the barking and even medicine. Nothing seemed to be the right answer. We realized that this dog needed to be in a home where there were not loud, unpredictable kids running in and out of the house. He needed to be in a yard that did not give him the opportunity to obsessively run up and down the fence line. He needed to be in a calm environment where he could get lots of exercise. No matter how much we loved him we knew deep down that our house did not provide him any of those things.
My parents reached out to us and offered to take Milo. The problem being that they live in Arizona which is a 24 hour drive. I couldn't do that drive alone with 4 kids and Drew travels so much for work that there was no way he could accompany me on a journey like that. That would be far more than a weekend trip. My parents offered to meet us half way (in Amarillo, TX). They knew Milo and knew that he had the potential to be a great dog if the environment was right. They were willing to try. I could not be more thankful for them. They live in a quiet house where there is lots of sunshine. They are active and could incorporate Milo into their exercise routine. He would get plenty of love and find out what it means to get to be a dog. He would not live in a world where he would always be anxious. He could let his guard down.
So Abbi and I packed up the car and headed to Texas. Milo was beside himself and had no idea what was happening. At first he pouted.
We finally arrived in Texas and met up with Barb and Les. He reluctantly began his journey to Arizona. From what I hear so far, so good. He loves sunbathing in the warm sunlight. He is being walked twice a day. He loves the quiet of their house. They are loving on him too and I couldn't ask for more!

I know it was the right decision. He will be so much happier. I still can't help but to I feel sad. I loved him the best that I knew how but it still didn't work out for him to be our dog. I will miss him very much.
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